
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Must Read For Our Time!

This is a read from the book “Acts Of The Apostles” that I find true for today as never before. Ministers of today are leading their flocks to hell. Many are participating in sin worse than any in their flock.

Ministers of the gospel sometimes do great harm by allowing their forbearance toward the erring to degenerate into toleration of sins and even participation in them. Thus they are led to excuse and palliate that which God condemns, and after a time they become so blinded as to commend the very ones whom God commands them to reprove. He who has blunted his spiritual perceptions by sinful leniency toward those whom God condemns, will erelong commit a greater sin by severity and harshness toward those whom God approves.

By the pride of human wisdom, by contempt for the influence of the Holy Spirit, and by disrelish for the truths of God's word, many who profess to be Christians, and who feel competent to teach others, will be led to turn away from the requirements of God. Paul declared to Timothy, "The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

The apostle does not here refer to the openly irreligious, but to the professing Christians who make inclination their guide, and thus become enslaved by self. Such are willing to listen to those doctrines only that do not rebuke their sins or condemn their pleasure-loving course. They are offended by the plain words of the faithful servants of Christ and choose teachers who praise and flatter them. And among professing ministers there are those who preach the opinions of men instead of the word of God. Unfaithful to their trust, they lead astray those who look to them for spiritual guidance.

In the precepts of His holy law, God has given a perfect rule of life; and He has declared that until the close of time this law, unchanged in a single jot or tittle, is to maintain its claim upon human beings. Christ came to magnify the law and make it honorable. He showed that it is based upon the broad foundation of love to God and love to man, and that obedience to its precepts comprises the whole duty of man. In His own life He gave an example of obedience to the law of God. In the Sermon on the Mount He showed how its requirements extend beyond the outward acts and take cognizance of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

The law, obeyed, leads men to deny "ungodliness and worldly lusts," and to "live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world." Titus 2:12. But the enemy of all righteousness has taken the world captive and has led men and women to disobey the law. As Paul foresaw, multitudes have turned from the plain, searching truths of God's word and have chosen teachers who present to them the fables they desire. Many among both ministers and people are trampling under their feet the commandments of God. Thus the Creator of the world is insulted, and Satan laughs in triumph at the success of his devices.

With the growing contempt for God's law there is an increasing distaste for religion, an increase of pride, love of pleasure, disobedience to parents, and self-indulgence; and thoughtful minds everywhere are anxiously inquiring, What can be done to correct these alarming evils? The answer is found in Paul's exhortation to Timothy, "Preach the word." In the Bible are found the only safe principles of action. It is a transcript of the will of God, an expression of divine wisdom. It opens to man's understanding the great problems of life, and to all who heed its precepts it will prove an unerring guide, keeping them from wasting their lives in misdirected effort.

The read was from Ellen White.

Why make a pretense of following Him when it is not any harder to surrender ALL that we are to Him and take HIS power offered by HIS indwelling to overcome the world and all sin in your life.  None, I repeat, none can or will be saved in sin, they must be forsaken and return no more to that old "wallow".  He can not make you sinless against your will, you must will not to and He empowers you to walk with the same power HE had when He walked this earth.  All I will add at present is, -

Ro 6:1 ¶ What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
Ro 6:2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

Bro. Gibs


Anonymous said...

That's what I like,Gibs. Straight old-fashioned gospel teaching. How can we experience the blessings of God if we don't obey His commandments. Today,if one strives to do so,they are scornfully called "Legalists!",as if to follow the law is an arrogant thing to do.

Too much now of calling good evil and evil good! How can anyone recognize Christians as being any different if we don't set ourselves apart and "Come out of her,my people" ?

There is victory in Christ,if only we allow it to happen and not be content to settle for only what this world has to offer.

Thanks for driving home that point and calling out to others while there is time.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sandie, A new theology has come in today from "FEEL GOOD" preaching saved in sin and that can never be. He does'nt come and make any sinless, it must be done by our surrender and our will given to do His Will above all else and NOTHING withheld and then HE dwells within and is our power to overcome sin as He did, and oh what a blessing of peace it is. One of my favorite verses is,--

1Jo 4:4 ¶ Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Anonymous said...

I kinda file that under the "suffering for righteousness sake" category! Turning from sin is hard,no doubt about it. That's one reason why victory over it,in Christ,is so sweet!

That Saved in Sin teaching really robs people of the chance to know what victory in Christ is,and gives Satan an even greater foothold.

People really need to start seeing the results of these theologies that stray from the hard line of truth.


Anonymous said...

Golly yes Sandie it does kinda overwhelms us at first but after a victory or two we are stronger then with each one to overcome and He just brings us to one at a time. Those "pet" ones we have are hardest so give totally your every thing and when you break through that one the rest become easy and really His Love now is our Love and our will given to do His we have no problem and Satan has no chance, He is defeated because, -
1Jo 4:4 ¶ Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

Yes there is our victory and then it is sweet to have that peace in being free within His will.

Bro. Gibs.
